Golden Opportunity Award
This award is given as the Book of the Year Award with the aim of supporting the publication of works by writers and artists (over 18 years old) in the field of writing poetry and stories for children and adolescents. The selected works in this section will be published by the publications of Intellectual Development Centres.
Flying Pencil Award
The Bird Award honours a Flying Pencil Prize to children and adolescents once a year, at the discretion and approval of the Policy Council.
Master Mehdi Azarizadi Award
This annual award is given to selected revised books from among the works received by the Secretariat of the Bird Award.
Note 1: Among the books of Kanoon Publications, an award will be given to the author or translator of the books and no award will be given to the publisher.
Note 2: The nominee books of the month along with other books will be presented to the audience in the form of Silver list at the end of each chapter.
Note 3: The selected Books for the Book of the Month and Year Award, published in Persian for the first time in Iran and other countries, will be reviewed.
Note 4: The Secretariat of the Book Award is ready to receive new published works throughout the year.
Books received each month will be considered for the prize of the month.